If a woman undergoes recurrent abortions, she is advised to seek medical help at once. At Garbba Rakshambigai Fertility Centre, a proper examination is done which will help to reduce or control further complications that may arise.
A woman is said to have recurrent pregnancy loss when she has undergone 3 or more consecutive abortions within 20 weeks or fetal weight less than 500 grams. Around 15% of women abort the baby before they realize that they are pregnant (i.e., before they miss their first menses). Recurrent Pregnant Loss (RPL) occurs around 1-4% of women who belong to the reproductive age. As the age of the women increases, the risk of pregnancy loss also increases. The women who are above 35 yrs should not wait for 3 losses, for treatment and they should consult the doctor after 1st loss. At Garbba Rakshambigai Fertility Centre, we insist those women to consult us immediately after the first loss.
The following are few of the common causes of recurrent pregnancy loss:
• Genetic abnormality present either in the father or mother
• Genetic abnormality in the baby
• Structural or functional abnormality in the baby
• Defective uterus
• Hormonal imbalance
• Infection
• Blood abnormality in the mother (e.g., Anti- phospholipid antibody syndrome)
It is estimated that in 30% of the cases, despite all investigations the cause of recurrent pregnancy loss remains unknown.
In cases with recurrent pregnancy loss, it is essential to obtain a detail evaluation of both the couple and the lost child, so that any correctable abnormality can be identified and corrected before the next pregnancy. For women who are below 35 years of age, this set of investigations is usually required when 3 consecutive abortions occur. For women who are above 35 years, the investigations start earlier. The recurrent pregnancy loss investigation includes the following:
• Complete history (type, nature of abortion and the past treatment details)
• Examination of couple ( to look for any genetic abnormality)
• Blood investigations which include the basic tests and along with it special tests for RPL like (karyotyping & APLA panel hormones etc.,)
• Semen analysis
• 3- Dimensional USG of uterus to look for any anatomic defects
Generally, women who have faced recurrent pregnancy loss are mentally traumatized and extremely anxious about pregnancy. The first step is to counsel and reassure them by giving them a positive outlook. A thorough evaluation is then done to find out the exact cause of the problem. After finding out the problem, the treatment is directed towards the specific cause. When genetic abnormalities are found, genetic counselling is required. If uterine anomalies are found they are corrected, before attempting the next pregnancy. Hysteroscopic or laparoscopic techniques are used to make the corrections. Folic acid supplementation has to begin well before conception.
At Garbba Rakshambigai Fertility Centre, once the patient becomes pregnant, we treat her like high risk pregnancy. We see those patients more frequently than normal pregnant women. A close monitoring of several parameters is undertaken. Depending upon the specific cause, we give hormonal supplementation or special medicines during the course of pregnancy. Overall, a careful and comprehensive approach is undertaken till a safe delivery occurs.
Talk to us if you have any queries on recurrent pregnancy losses. We have an expertized team to guide you on this issue. If properly diagnosed at once, it can be resolved.