Garbba Rakshambigai Fertility Centre has the best treatments for infertility in Chennai, for the various problems that may occur during menopause. This phase is said to be crucial among women, our team is well experienced in handling such conditions.
It refers to a point in time that follows one year after the cessation of menses. It is a normal and routine physiology faced by every woman who has attained menopause, this time varies with each woman. The average age at which menopause starts is found to be 51.5 yrs. However, a number of factors influence the age of menopause which includes environmental, genetic and surgical influences, chemotherapy, radiation etc.
Yes, women experience irregular cycles and decreased length, duration of flow prior to menopause and this phase is called as perimenopausal period. This period usually lasts up to 4 to 7 yrs. However if there is bleeding between menstrual periods or bleeding after sex, they should not be considered as menopausal changes and should seek medical attention at once.
• Changes in menstrual patterns
• Hot flushes, night sweats and sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness
• Depression, irritability, mood swings, loss of concentration and poor memory
• Decrease in sexual desire
• Discomfort and pain with sexual intercourse
• Headache, dizziness, palpitations, joint aches and back pain
• Dry skin and urinary disturbances
• Weight gain
While menopause is a normal physiological phenomenon, it is associated with increase in risk of certain problems, as the hormonal support of estrogen is lost with menopause.
• Heart and blood vessel disease. Estrogen is found to have a protective effect on the heart and blood vessels. It is believed to be one of the reasons, for the prevalence of ischemic heart disease among young men than young women. With menopause this protective effect is lost and the risk of cardiovascular disease increases. It is therefore important to maintain a good diet and exercise routine after menopause.
• Osteoporosis. It has been estimated that 1 out of 3 women who are above 50 years of age, get affected with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Without the support of estrogen, bones tend to lose their strength and place women at higher risk of sustaining fractures at the wrist, spine and hips.
• Urinary incontinence. When the estrogen support is lost, the muscles of the pelvic floor tent to lose their tone. Woman may develop the inability to control the urine and pass urine without control (incontinence). Please refer to our section on stress urinary incontinence of our website for more information. They may also develop frequent urinary tract infections.
In order to age gracefully, it is important for women to visit a gynecologist even after menopause and take appropriate preventive measures and, if necessary, medicines. At Garbba Rakshambigai Fertility Centre, our gynaecologists suggest the apt medicines to be consumed during this crucial phase.
Cancer screening:
During perimenopausal transition the most common thing is that, we see the fear of cancer due to the irregular cycles or coital bleeding. At Garbba Rakshambigai Fertility Centre, we examine the patients and ensure that the changes are related to menopause. If there are features that are not consistent with normal menopause, we perform the required investigations to rule out any underlying problem.
Some women with risk factors also require screening for cancer of breast, cervix and uterus and ovaries which are found to be common in this age group.
Dietary measures:
We prescribe a diet that is suitable for menopausal women. Post-menopausal diet should have adequate quantities of calcium and vitamin D to guard against osteoporosis. It should also be low in saturated fatty acids, cholesterol and simple carbohydrates and rich in fiber and natural antioxidants to guard against cardiovascular problems.
Osteoporosis prevention:
When osteoporosis is suspected, DEXA scan may be done to ascertain the bone strength and appropriate medicines including calcium, vitamin D and bisphosphonates may be initiated to strengthen the bone. It is also essential for postmenopausal women to do regular weight bearing exercises, such as brisk walking or jogging to maintain bone health.
Treatment of menopausal symptoms:
Women with bothersome hot flushes, night sweats and sleep disturbances or other irritative symptoms may require cyclical hormonal support for some time.
Post-menopausal women with vaginal dryness and discomfort during sex or urinary incontinence may benefit from the use of estrogen ointments.
Urinary problems:
Urinary incontinence or passing of urine without control requires to be investigated thoroughly and through this the exact cause found out. Kegel's exercises are found to be beneficial to improve the strength of pelvic floor muscles and vaginal estrogen. Symptomatic urinary infections require prompt treatment with antibiotics.
Talk to us if you have any queries on menopause. We have an expertized team to guide you on how to handle this phase, the problems that may arise and the treatment methods for the same.