When a couple is confronted with infertility they are often left physically and emotionally drained. The most important thing at this stage is to strengthen the relationship and not let it deteriorate. The only way to face the problem is to face it together. Remember that it not your fault at all that you have not been able to become a parent; more importantly, it is not the fault of your spouse either. After all, childbearing is not the sole purpose of marriage. Enjoy each other's company and keep the romance going. This will greatly help you in tackling the problem of infertility.
The mental stress of fertility as well as its treatment can have a negative effect on your sex life and act as a great impediment. . It has been estimated that infertile women are twice as likely to experience bedroom trouble as compared to normal women. Maintaining a healthy and enjoyable sex life, not only improves your chances of fertility but also strengthens the bond between husband and wife
If you have tried whatever you can using the information available with you, but still have serious problems, a sex therapist/ counsellor may be of great help to you. Alternatively, you can see a marriage or family counsellor. You can book an appointment to consult with one of our experienced sex counsellors.